If you’re a fan of Roblox’s Pillar Chase 2, you’re probably looking for ways to enhance your gameplay. Scripts are an excellent way to unlock new features and make the game even more exciting. Below, I’ve listed four fantastic scripts, each with unique features to make your gaming session unbeatable. Let’s dive in!
01. [JEFF THE KILLER!] Pillar Chase 2 Script by Fahad_Subterfuge
Feature | Description |
Infinite Yield | Admin commands, but avoid using noclip, fly, or nofog. |
Highlight Players | Automatically highlights other players. |
Multiple Scripts | Execute multiple scripts simultaneously. |
game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "fahads pillar chase pack", Text = "go dominate some bitches"})
-- // Highlight ESP
-- // Features: Auto Player Update, No Lag
local FillColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
local DepthMode = "AlwaysOnTop"
local FillTransparency = 0.5
local OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
local OutlineTransparency = 0.5
local CoreGui = game:FindService("CoreGui")
local Players = game:FindService("Players")
local lp = Players.LocalPlayer
local connections = {}
local Storage = Instance.new("Folder")
Storage.Parent = CoreGui
Storage.Name = "Highlight_Storage"
local function Highlight(plr)
local Highlight = Instance.new("Highlight")
Highlight.Name = plr.Name
Highlight.FillColor = FillColor
Highlight.DepthMode = DepthMode
Highlight.FillTransparency = FillTransparency
Highlight.OutlineColor = OutlineColor
Highlight.OutlineTransparency = 0.5
Highlight.Parent = Storage
local plrchar = plr.Character
if plrchar then Highlight.Adornee = plrchar end
connections[plr] = plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char) Highlight.Adornee = char end)
for i,v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do Highlight(v) end
local plrname = plr.Name
if Storage[plrname] then Storage[plrname]:Destroy() end
if connections[plr] then connections[plr]:Disconnect() end
02. Pillar Chase 2: ESP, Instant Complete & More
Feature | Description |
ESP | Enhanced visibility of players and objects. |
Instant Complete | Finish levels quickly and easily. |
Infinite Stamina | Unlimited running ability. |
Fullbright | Fully illuminated surroundings. |
03. Main Menu Script by GPUXS2
Feature | Description |
Menu GUI | Interactive menu for better control. |
04. [4th Skins] Pillar Chase 2 Script by FelSSJ
Feature | Description |
Basic Features | Simplified gameplay tools. |
How to Use These Scripts
- Download a Roblox Script Executor: Use software like Synapse X or Krnl.
- Launch the Game: Open Roblox and start Pillar Chase 2.
- Inject the Executor: Attach the script executor to the game.
- Paste the Script: Copy and paste the script into the executor.
- Execute: Press the execute button to enable the script’s features.
What Are the Benefits of Using Scripts?
Using scripts in Roblox can transform your gameplay experience. You can unlock hidden features, automate tasks, and gain competitive advantages like infinite stamina or ESP for better visibility.