King of The Hill Script

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Roblox enthusiasts looking to add an extra layer of excitement to their gaming experience will find the King of The Hill script to be an invaluable addition. This script injects a dynamic element into gameplay, challenging players to vie for control over strategic points within the virtual landscape. Let’s delve into the benefits and functionalities of this script.


  • Enhanced Gameplay Dynamics: Injects a competitive edge into your Roblox games, fostering intense battles and strategic gameplay.
  • Community Engagement: Encourages players to collaborate or compete for control, fostering a vibrant community within your game.
  • Customization Options: Tailor the script to suit your game’s theme and mechanics, enhancing immersion and replay value.

Features and Functionalities:

  • Dynamic Hill Control: Players compete to control a designated “hill” area within the game map, requiring strategic positioning and teamwork.
  • Score Tracking: The script automatically tracks and updates scores based on the duration of hill control, allowing for clear progression and competition.
  • Reward System: Implement rewards for players who successfully maintain control over the hill, incentivizing engagement and skillful gameplay.
  • Customizable Parameters: Adjust various aspects of the script, such as hill size, score multipliers, and reward criteria, to tailor the experience to your game’s specific needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive controls and clear visual feedback ensure that players understand the objectives and progress at a glance.


local OrionLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('')))()
local Window = OrionLib:MakeWindow({
    Name = "BEHOL HUB", -- Changed the name here
    HidePremium = false,
    SaveConfig = true,
    ConfigFolder = "OrionTest"

local Tab = Window:MakeTab({
    Name = "Tab 1",
    Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998",
    PremiumOnly = false

local Section = Tab:AddSection({
    Name = "Section"

-- Adding a button to the section
    Name = "Test Button", -- Button name
    Icon = "rbxassetid://1234567890", -- Replace with an actual icon ID
    Callback = function()
        print("Button clicked!") -- Replace with your desired button action

-- Adding autokill toggle
    Name = "autokill", -- Toggle name
    Default = false, -- Default state of the toggle
    Callback = function(Value)
        if Value then
            local args = {
                [1] = game:GetService("Players"):WaitForChild("Emiton2021").Character.Humanoid,
                [2] = 111,
                [3] = 300
            print("Autokill activated")
            print("Autokill deactivated")

-- Now the buttons should appear in your Section

-- You can add other elements to the section or tab as needed

Copying and Using the Script

  • Access the Script: Click the button above to access the script.
  • Copying the Code: Select and copy the entire script code.
  • Applying the Script: Use a script executor of your choice to implement the script in the game.
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