Frontlines script

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The Frontlines script is a powerful tool designed to enhance your gaming experience on Roblox. Tailored for players who want to maximize their gameplay efficiency and capabilities, this script offers a host of benefits and features that can significantly improve your in-game performance.

Benefits of the Frontlines Script

Using the Frontlines script in Roblox can provide several advantages, including:

  • Enhanced Gameplay: The script can automate and optimize various in-game tasks, making gameplay smoother and more enjoyable.
  • Increased Efficiency: It allows players to accomplish tasks more quickly and effectively, giving them a competitive edge.
  • Customization: The script often includes features that can be tailored to individual preferences, enhancing the personalized gaming experience.
  • Improved Performance: By streamlining certain actions and processes, the script helps in maintaining a consistent and high level of performance during gameplay.

Main Features and Functionalities

The Frontlines script comes with a variety of features designed to improve your gaming experience. These include:

  • Auto-Farm: Automatically collects resources and completes tasks without the need for constant player input.
  • Aimbot: Enhances targeting accuracy, making it easier to hit targets with precision.
  • ESP (Extra Sensory Perception): Allows players to see through walls and identify the positions of other players, items, and objectives.
  • Speed Hack: Increases the player’s movement speed, allowing for faster navigation through the game world.
  • God Mode: Makes the player invincible, preventing them from taking any damage.
  • Teleportation: Enables players to quickly move to different locations within the game.
  • Customization Options: Offers various settings to adjust the script’s functionalities according to the player’s preferences.


-- Set hitbox size, transparency level, and notification status
local size =, 10, 10)
local trans = 1
local notifications = false
-- Store the time when the code starts executing
local start = os.clock()
-- Send a notification saying that the script is loading
game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
   Title = "Script",
   Text = "Loading script...",
   Icon = "",
   Duration = 5
-- Load the ESP library and turn it on
local esp = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
-- Configure ESP settings
esp.Boxes = true
esp.Names = false
esp.Tracers = false
esp.Players = false
-- Add an object listener to the workspace to detect enemy models
esp:AddObjectListener(workspace, {
   Name = "soldier_model",
   Type = "Model",
   Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 4),
   -- Specify the primary part of the model as the HumanoidRootPart
   PrimaryPart = function(obj)
       local root
           root = obj:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
       until root
       return root
   -- Use a validator function to ensure that models do not have the "friendly_marker" child
   Validator = function(obj)
       if obj:FindFirstChild("friendly_marker") then
           return false
       return true
   -- Set a custom name to use for the enemy models
   CustomName = "?",
   -- Enable the ESP for enemy models
   IsEnabled = "enemy"
-- Enable the ESP for enemy models
esp.enemy = true
-- Wait for the game to load fully before applying hitboxes
-- Apply hitboxes to all existing enemy models in the workspace
for _, v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
   if v.Name == "soldier_model" and v:IsA("Model") and not v:FindFirstChild("friendly_marker") then
       local pos = v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position
       for _, bp in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
           if bp:IsA("BasePart") then
               local distance = (bp.Position - pos).Magnitude
               if distance <= 5 then
                   bp.Transparency = trans
                   bp.Size = size
-- Function to handle when a new descendant is added to the workspace
local function handleDescendantAdded(descendant)
   -- If the new descendant is an enemy model and notifications are enabled, send a notification
   if descendant.Name == "soldier_model" and descendant:IsA("Model") and not descendant:FindFirstChild("friendly_marker") then
       if notifications then
           game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
               Title = "Script",
               Text = "[Warning] New Enemy Spawned! Applied hitboxes.",
               Icon = "",
               Duration = 3
       -- Apply hitboxes to the new enemy model
       local pos = descendant:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position
       for _, bp in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
           if bp:IsA("BasePart") then
               local distance = (bp.Position - pos).Magnitude
               if distance <= 5 then
                   bp.Transparency = trans
                   bp.Size = size
-- Connect the handleDescendantAdded function to the DescendantAdded event of the workspace
-- Store the time when the code finishes executing
local finish = os.clock()
-- Calculate how long the code took to run and determine a rating for the loading speed
local time = finish - start
local rating
if time < 3 then
   rating = "fast"
elseif time < 5 then
   rating = "acceptable"
   rating = "slow"
-- Send a notification showing how long the code took to run and its rating
game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
   Title = "Script",
   Text = string.format("Script loaded in %.2f seconds (%s loading)", time, rating),
   Icon = "",
   Duration = 5

Copying and Using the Script

To apply the Frontlines script in your Roblox game, follow these simple steps:

  • Access the Script: Click the button above to access the script.
  • Copying the Code: Select and copy the entire script code.
  • Applying the Script: Use a script executor of your choice to implement the script in the game
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